BJC’s MSCI ESG Ratings Upgraded from ‘A’ to ‘AA’, Becoming No.1 in Asia In the Food & Staples Retailing industry
20 June 2023 Berli Jucker Public Company Limited or BJC received an upgrade in its latest ESG Ratings score from A to “AA”, in the Food & Staples Retailing industry becoming the only company in Thailand to be No.1 in Asia, MSCI ESG Research showed BJC distinctly stands out in labor management compared to other companies in the same industry. BJC creates and offers opportunities for employees to grow in their careers while conducting business that corresponds with ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) principles. Big C Retail is the sole BJC subsidiary with food and staples-related retailing and wholesaling platform, and considered the important company that will help drive the BJC group forward under the strategy of adjusting the business model to become a leading business in the global market to deliver products through modern channels and provide good service to customers.
MSCI ESG Research is a global provider of in-depth research, ratings, and analysis of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) related business practices. It assesses and rates global companies on a scale of leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB) to laggard (B, CCC), according to exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and the ability to manage those risks relative to peers.