Big C | Retail


BJC Listed on DJSI with World’s Highest Score

BJC Listed on DJSI with World’s Highest Score

9 December 2022, Berli Jucker Public Company Limited (BJC) has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), with the world’s highest score of 89 in Food & Staples Retailing industry of the 2022 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, and the company has been listed on DJSI Emerging Markets for the second consecutive year. This is a testament to our commitment to applying sustainability approach to drive our business by balancing economy, environment and society under principles of good corporate governance.

DJSI was developed in 1999 as a metric used by investors around the world to select sustainable and responsible investments. DJSI uses transparent and effective insights through the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), which covers three main areas; ​Environment, Social and Governance & Economics (ESG).